বন্ধুরা আশাকরি ভাল আছেন। আবার ও   CU.CC ডোমেইন নিয়ে পোষ্ট করলাম নতুন ব্লগার বন্ধুদের জন্য ডিএন এস সেটাপ এবং জোন রেকর্ডএবং ইউআরএল ফরওাডিং সেটাপ সহ। একদম ফ্রিতে রেজিষ্ট্রেশন  করতে পারবেন দুই বছরের জন্য এবং সাথে রয়েছে হোস্টিং একদম ফ্রিতে। তাই দেরি না করে এখনই নিয়েনিন আপনার কাংখিত ডোমেইন নেইম এবং হোস্টিং।

ডোমেইন সাইন আপ


ফি হোস্টিং সাইন আপ

ডিএন এস সেটাপ এবং জোন রেকর্ডএবং ইউআরএল ফরওাডিং সেটাপ

What is CU.CC?

We are a free domain name registration service. You can register up to 100 domain names for free or buy a domain name VIP account and profit up to 1000 domain names. Use the search bin above to find a domain name available at our free domain name registration.

You can register all available domain names instantly. We offer the best free domain registration with dynamic dns service just like .com and any other TLD. We provide in addition to our domain names a free DNS service with full MX, CNAME, A and SOA records. Most fine domain names are already registered, so why pay for a long and hard to recall domain when you can register your friendly cu.cc name?

Sign up now it’s really FREE!

CU.CC – Get a Free domain with Free DNS service!

How to setup DNS for my domain?


DNS : Short for Domain Name System, an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses.

Name server : It is the name of the host server. It translates domain names into IP addresses.

It makes it possible for a user to access a website by typing in the domain name instead of the website’s actual IP address. The form looks like this -> ns1.hostname.com.(It is just an example)

Requirement : DNS server of web hosting registrar

How to set up DNS in cu.cc

My Account > My Domains > Select the domain you desire to setup the DNS for > Click “Manage” button > Manage DNS > Input NAME SERVER of your hosting registrar.

After configuring NAME SERVER in cu.cc, you should add your cu.cc domain to the hosting registrar and if necessary configure zone records as well. It might take up to 48 hours for name server changes to take effect and fully propagate through the Internet.


How to setup Zone Record for my domain?

An A (IP address) : It is a DNS record that can be used to point your domain name and host names to a static IP address.

You can use a A record whenever you have to assign a specific IP to a domain name or to a sub-domain.

A MX (Mail Exchange) : It is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System specifying how Internet e-mail should be routed. It point to the servers that should get e-mail, and their priority relative to each other.

A CNAME (Canonical Name) : It allows you to have as many subdomains as you hope without having to specify the IP for all record.


How to setup URL Forwarding for my domain?

In case you have long and complicated url, you can redirect your web page to your cu.cc domain with URL Forwarding service.

Step : My Account > My Domains > Select a domain > Click “Manage” button > URL Forwarding

Redirect To : Enter your web page or blog’s real address

Page Title : Whatever you desire

Frame : If you pick URL Hiding, you can conceal real address.

Meta Description & Keywords : If you set it, your domain would be exposured in google site with high ranking automatically. Google Search engine might be shows your “Meta Description”, “Meta Keywords” in case of you have entered them.

If you’re not an expert, we strongly recommend you to set URL Forwarding service.

It is easy way but help your site looks professional, on top of that there is no advertising.


How many free domains are allowed per account?

Every free account can have up to 5 free domain names in it. You can have unlimited premium domains in every account.

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